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Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Resonant Of Mind

Tenemos 2 canciones traducidas de resonant of mind

Resonant Of Mind

Canciones traducidas de resonant of mind

Tales of Broken Hearts and Crashing

Artista: Resonant Of Mind Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 15 years ago

Whatever happened to me Lost my speech; a sense of security I thought this time we'd set our Priorities You know that I fought Lost nights to my thoughts Why does it have to be this way Just

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What should Have Happened

Artista: Resonant Of Mind Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 15 years ago

There are things We should consider first But time is running out Make up your mind We will be fine No This wasn't my intention Why can't i set things straight We still have the time Don't

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